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All things health and wellness for Mind, Body and Spirit.
Developing a Purposeful Path…
I’ve spent my entire life diving deep into the world of wellness. In my youth I was overweight, anxious, and depressed but a little spark inside of me pushed me to find natural and healthy ways to get out my stuckness. When I was 13, I started learning everything I could about how to eat and how to exercise. It was a journey full of twists and turns and no doubt many missteps. More carbs, less carbs, more protein, less protein, more fat, less fat. Heavier weights, lighter weights. Too big, not big enough. And ultimately more and more self judgement and a growing sense of indomitable imperfection. When I was 18, the spiritual philosophy bug bit me hard. That same spark was evolving into a fire, a burning knowing inside of me that there is more to life than meets the eye. College threw me into a confusing place of existentialism and over indulgence. I lost myself. For years I ate poorly, drank too much, did too many drugs, and treated my body and mind without respect. I was inflamed. I was depressed. I was unhealthy. A lack of internal self worth had become the canvas my entire life experience was painted on.
After college I indulged myself in one toxic relationship after the other until I was able to recognize that the most toxic person in my life…. was me. I had to learn to love myself. I had to learn how to heal. I had to learn to LET GO of everything I thought I was if I was ever going to become what I was meant to be. I found Yoga. I found Kung Fu. I found Acupuncture. I found Holistic Medicine. I found Taoism. I found Buddhism. I found Vedanta. I found Plant Medicine. I found Clean Living. I found Forgiveness, Compassion, and the Path of Service. I found Love and then I found SELF. So I quit my job and followed a path of pure faith in Destiny to create something of my own, something I could share with the world. And that is how Buddha Hand was born. A spark of light to help ignite the fires inside of other people’s hearts so that we can all the light The Way, together.
My path has been and continues to be one of Unfolding. There are many paths to the top of the mountain, I am here to share mine with you in the hope that it benefits the refinement of your own.
Eat, Move, Think and Breathe…
These are the 4 Pillars that hold up the roof of our individual and collective wellbeing. If we can do these with purpose and intention then we are moving forward in a healthy way that not only benefits us but everyone around us. The better we show up for ourselves the better we can show up for our families, our friends, our colleagues and the world. I am here to share different ways you can conceptualize, build and strengthen each of these pillars so you can live happier and healthier lives with more openness of mind and heart.
In the pursuit of knowledge I have gone through two advanced degree programs. I have worked with shamans and sages from around the world. I have gone on quests of Metamorphosis. I have practiced thousands of hours of kung fu, yoga and meditation. I have scoured the pages of countless spiritual texts and taken my consciousness to the outer limits of expansion and back. I have experimented with countless methods of eating and exercise. I have studied the deep inner workings of the body from the modern scientific perspective to the most esoteric ancient lineages. And what I’ve learned, very simply, is that Healing is the daily work of a lifetime and we are all in this together.
Subscribe and join me. Take what works for you and make it your own. Question what you doubt and let me know why. Let me learn from you. Let’s all get better together.
Thank you for the invite and the news letter! Looking forward to all of it.
Peace begins with me.